Monday, March 1, 2010


Ugh....March. The month of my birthday. I know that age is just a number, but seriously, why can't it go backwards?
Anyways. I have been feeling pretty good lately. Physically I mean. I am beginning to notice the change in my body. I honestly can not stop touching my tummy. It's getting smaller, and it amazes me. Wow, small things I tell ya! My eating has been pretty clean since I have started back on weight watchers. Which surprises me, cause things have not been going well for me personally and usually first thing I turn to is food. I am happy I have been able to control myself. I hope I can stick to this commitment.
I started tanning today. I know, I know, skin cancer, premature aging, and all that great stuff. But I love it. It makes me in a spring kind of mood. And I am in major need of a pick me up. I went in s stand up bed for the first time. Very very cool!! I am now a stand up tanner.
Well, that's all for today. Have a great Monday!


  1. I love seeing the changes in my body too. One of the first things that I noticed was that my wrists started to get smaller, and I could finally touch my thumb and finger together around the wrist (does that even make sense?) Now I always do that and people look at me like I'm crazy! But I can't help it, I'm always 'checking' to see if I can still do it lol.
    Sounds like you are doing great, way to not emotionally eat! That seems to be hard for everyone.
    Keep up the awesome work!

  2. 160 at 5'9"? I think that would be perfect. Could it be that your mind has to keep up with the mirror? I am 5'9" and can relate to always being the big one... ironic that it started when I was just your weight. So, dieting commenced when I was 13, and since I was at a good weight for me, I couldn't lose weight without the 500 calorie diets. Well, long story short? I dieted myself up to over 300. I really wish someone had told me that at 5'9", 160 was just right. So, I am telling you! But I do remember, that I felt fatter then, than I do now. It is just an inner thing, I guess. Cruel words cause more damage than any food can.
